Why Ingram Spark?

So, after I went through the journey of finding someone to publish my book and losing it, I started querying. The query process was taking a long time so during this time I started researching and networking to learn more about the industry. I began to hear from many authors that self-published first and then out of no where their book became a hit, and it was all up from there. Instead of waiting, I decided to self-publish because my ultimate goal was to get my story out there to help families similar to my own. Self-publishing was harder than it looked. I had to find an illustrator, an editor, obtain an ISBN, and find a distributor.

After some researching, I decided that Ingram Spark would be the distributor for Why Daddy Works and Why Mommy Works for three reasons.  

1.       Hardcover- Having young kids, I have witnessed firsthand how hard they are on paperback books. I have had to tape and staple books back together. I wanted my book to have longevity therefore hardcover was the only option for me and back in 2017 there weren’t many distributors providing this option.

2.       Global Distribution- Inclusion is important to me therefore, I was excited that when publishing with Ingram Spark not only would my book be available in stores, but it would also be available abroad. Knowing that my words could reach families overseas was a great selling point.

3.       Calculators- Ingram spark provided a compensation calculator and a print and ship calculator. This was a major factor to me because it let me know ahead of time how much I would need to invest and how much I would make on each book sold. This helped me a lot when it came to setting a price that made sense.


Why Bibliokid?


Why Daddy Works