Presale Order Checklist

Below are the items I used to prepare to ship my pre-orders.

·       Mailers- I decided to purchase my own mailers to match the color of my books. This aids in brand consistency. Purchasing your own mailers will save you from having to purchase them individually at the post office. This is a cost saving for you. I found my mailers on Amazon.

·       Thank you Notes- Everyone who orders a book from me receives a thank you note. I used Canva to create them. I chose to have a double-sided note. One side shows my appreciation along with a QR Code that directs the customer to my website to review other books I have written. The other side contains four additional QR codes for the customer to leave a review on the book they have purchased.

·       Finger Puppets- In addition to a thank you note I wanted to give the child a token of my appreciation. Authors often provide bookmarks, but I wanted to do something different. I chose eye finger puppets because one of my children received one in a goody bag and the other child wanted one so bad! I thought if kids are fighting over it than that is a good give away. The eye finger puppet also allowed me to use the token of appreciation to say “I Appreciate you” on the thank you card.

·       Tape-The tape is used to attach the finger puppet to the thank you card.

·       Stickers- My book received the Reader’s Favorite Five Star recognition, so I have stickers of that designation to attach to each book.

·       Books- This is self-explanatory.

·       Pen/Sharpie- A nice pen or sharpie is needed to sign all of the books you sell from your website. I believe in providing autographed copies to everyone that orders from me directly as an added benefit.

·       Alexa- I believe I work faster with music. “Alexa, play my station”.


Why I wrote I Want a Nickname